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Saturday, June 29, 2024

 An Update: A review from my agent...all is coming together very nicely :-) 

"Violins of My Soul:

Poems of the Heart" is a collection of poignant and introspective poems that explore the complexities of human emotions, existential contemplation, and the quest for meaning in a challenging world. Each poem within this collection delves into the depths of the soul, offering a raw and honest reflection on life's joys, sorrows, and the search for inner peace.

The poems traverse a range of themes, from loneliness and longing to resilience and spiritual awakening. The poet reflects on finding tranquility amidst personal turmoil, drawing parallels between the serenity of nature and the healing of emotional wounds. The poems transition and delve into themes of inner turmoil and loneliness, expressing the speaker's deep-seated emotions and longing for connection.

Through evocative imagery and lyrical language, the poems explore the allure and consequences of desire, weaving a narrative of passion and introspection. Meanwhile, they contemplate the limitations of human wisdom and the solace found in divine understanding, offering a philosophical exploration of faith and introspection.

The poems capture moments of introspection and personal revelation, set against a backdrop of contemplative solitude and the passage of time, inviting readers to ponder life's fleeting moments and the search for clarity amidst uncertainty.

His words are a testament to the power of poetry to illuminate the human experience, offering readers a journey through the complexities of emotions and the timeless quest for meaning and understanding.

Best regards,

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Preview of my New Book

 Coming soon to a book store near you~~~


The church bells ring in Chapel Hill

Beneath the skies of blue –

And it seems as if time has stood still

As people gather at the old well, too –

Beer is brewing at the (Top of The Hill)

Overlooking Franklin Street . . .

Where people come to celebrate and chill,

And hate the Devil’s Carolina just beat!

The sounds echo from the Dean Dome,

Where basketball is still king . . .

Chapel Hill, we will always call our home –

And, “I’m a Tar Heel Born” we’ll sing!

Ever wondered why the skies are blue?

It’s because Jesus is a Tar Heel, too!


Thomas Theophilus© June 15, 2024



Wednesday, June 5, 2024


 I am working on a book project...should be out in print in about 6/8 weeks!

I will keep you posted! Thanks to everyone! Love you guys!